Since 2019, Etem Group and Gestamp Group have entered into an agreement concerning the creation of a joint venture focused on the extrusion and processing of aluminum profiles in the automotive industry.
Gestamp, with presence in more than 23 countries, is an international group dedicated to the design, development and manufacture of metal automotive components. The group specializes in developing innovatively designed products to achieve increasingly safer and lighter vehicles, thereby reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. Throughout its more than 20 years of experience, Gestamp has become a global technology provider characterized by its proximity to customers, ongoing innovation and strong internationalization. Here you can find more information about Gestamp,.
Etem Group is a leader in aluminum extrusion, with more than 50 years of experience and continuous presence in the design and production of aluminium profiles. Etem has been the first ever integrated designer and producer of aluminium systems in Greece and among the most prominent ones in SE Europe. Through continuous innovation and investments in infrastructure, cutting-edge equipment and our people, ETEM became an international company with worldwide presence. Click here to know more about Etem Group.
Aluminium is the rising material of choice, offering the fastest, safest and most environmentally friendly way of boosting fuel economy and cutting carbon emissions.
Reducing total vehicle weight, without sacrificing size, safety and comfort, is the vital industry trend as automotive manufacturers develop their next generations of fleets and models. As such more and more automotive manufacturers tend to rely more and more on aluminium with high expectations at all fronts.
Gestamp vision is to be the most renowned automotive supplier for our ability to adapt our business to create value for the customer, while maintaining sustainable economic and social development.
Etem vision is to continue to innovate in product and markets development that create value to the end users in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Continuous innovation, tailor-made solutions and integrated assistance throughout the project life cycle are critical elements of the vision.

Gestamp Etem Automotive Bulgaria AD would like to inform all interested individuals and legal entities about company’s investment proposal.
The company’s investment proposal is part of a planned long-term investment to expand production capacity. The company envisage the installation of a new high technology line for passivation and powder coated of aluminum parts in the industrial hall XV (ident. 68134.502.9826.37). The investment proposal is not planned to build new buildings, construction or other civil works.
Gestamp Etem Automotive Bulgaria AD operating on site, belongs to Etem Gestamp Aluminum Extrusions AD, as renting a part of industrial buildings from Etem Gestamp Aluminum Extrusion AD plant for producing of aluminum profiles
The planned investment will be carried out on the territory of PI 68134.502.9826, constituting UPI XVIII-3855,3857,3856,191,3858,3859 “for production, warehouses, office, substation and landscaping”, quarter 3, Ilientsi Refinery – East”, Serdika District, Sofia City, Stolichna Municipality, Sofia Region.
The planned investment will be made entirely in the company’s existing property.
The company’s plan is for the investment intentions to be realized by the end of 2025.
All those who wish to express their views and opinions can do so in writing at the Capital Municipality, City Hall of the Capital Municipality or RIOSV-Sofia with the address of the city of Sofia, p.k. 1618, Tsar Boris III Blvd., 10th floor.
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Гестам Етем Аутомотив България АД иска да уведоми всички заинтересовани физически и юридически лица за ново инвестиционно предложение на компанията.
Инвестиционното предложение на компанията е част от планирана дългосрочна инвестиция за разширяване на производствения капацитет. Предвижда се инсталация на нова високотехнологична линия за пасивиране и прахово боядисване на алуминиеви изделия в производствено хале XV (с идент. 68134.502.9826.37). В инвесиционното предложение не се предвижда изграждане на нови сгради, строителни и ремонтни дейности.
Фирмата „Гестамп Етем Аутомотив България“ АД извършва своята производствена дейност на площадка, собственост на „Етем Гестамп Алуминиум Екстружънс“ АД, като наемател на част от производствените халета в Завод за производство на алуминиеви профили на „Етем Гестамп Алуминиум Екстружънс“ АД.
Планираните инвестиции ще се осъществят на територията на ПИ 68134.502.9826, съставляващ УПИ XVIII-3855,3857,3856,191,3858,3859 „за производство, складове, офис, трафопост и озеленяване“, кв. 3, м. НПЗ „Илиенци – изток“, р-н Сердика, гр. София, община Столична, област София.
Планираната инвестиция ще бъде осъществени изцяло върху съществуващия имот на дружеството.
Планът на компанията е инвестиционното намерение да бъде осъществено до края на 2025 г.
Всички, които желаят да изразят мнения и становища могат да го направят писмено в Столична община, кметство при Столична община или в РИОСВ – София с адрес гр. София, п.к. 1618, бул. „Цар Борис III“, ет. 10.
GESTAMP ETEM AUTOMOTIVE BULGARIA AD is located in Sofia, Bulgaria and is part of the Automobile Parts Manufacturing Industry. GESTAMP ETEM has 111 employees at this location.

Adress: “Iliyantsi” 119, 1220 promishlena
Iliyantsi zone, Sofia, Bulgaria